Electrical Trade Test (Red Seal) R15 495 ( 23 Days Total )

Red Seal SECTION 26 D (International Accredited)

The “Electrical Trade Test Preparation” course caters to experienced electricians aspiring to undertake their trade tests. This comprehensive program is meticulously designed to proactively assess all facets of the electrical trade through practical evaluations. By systematically identifying areas of improvement, the course aims to effectively address knowledge gaps. Participants will have the privilege of acquiring insights from industry veterans within an immersive workshop setting.

The course curriculum exclusively revolves around hands-on modules, meticulously conducted within a fully equipped workshop. This approach empowers participants to promptly apply newly acquired practical proficiencies, distinctly deviating from a purely theoretical framework.

Stephen Carsten holding his Trade Certificate as a Qualified Electrician.
Joburg Water (Apprenticeships) Celebrating Qualifying as a Team.
Edgar and Mr. Henk (Moderator) Celebrating that Edgar has passed his Trade Test .

Electrical Trade Test (23 Days)

Electrical Trade Test Outline 23 Days

  • Preparation for Trade Test 20 Days
  • Trade Test 2 Days
  • ARPL 1 Day

= R15 495

Course Modules